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Brow Correction

Restore Your Brow Game: Expert Brow Correction 

Worked with another professional and didn’t reach your desired outcome? We can help.  If you’re unhappy with a previous permanent makeup experience, don’t worry – Real Brows is here to help! Our correction brows service focuses on fixing and improving the appearance of poorly done or faded eyebrow tattoos.


Perfect Solutions

    • Adjusting uneven or asymmetrical brows
    • Correcting color discrepancies
    • Restoring brows that have faded or changed color over time

Our highly trained technicians will assess your unique situation and develop a customized plan to restore and enhance your eyebrows, helping you regain your confidence and love for your brows.

Preparation & Aftercare

    • Avoid sun exposure, waxing, or tanning for at least 48 hours before the appointment.
    • Discontinue the use of blood-thinning medications or supplements, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or vitamin E, for at least 72 hours prior (with doctor’s approval).
    • Do not consume alcohol or caffeine 24 hours before the procedure.

Read our detailed Pre-Care Instructions and Aftercare Instructions for more information. Don’t worry, we’ll go through these in detail at the time of your appointment!

Still Have Questions?

Schedule a free in-person or virtual consultation to discuss Microblading and have any questions that you may have, answered.

Permanent Cosmetic Tools

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