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Pre Care Instructions

Thank you for choosing to work with Real Brows for your permanent cosmetic service. Keep in mind that our professionals reserve the right to reschedule your appointment if any of the instructions have not been followed in a manner that may cause complications with your cosmetic service.

Please be mindful of all the points listed below, doing so will ensure the best possible results. If any of the below items have been prescribed by a medical professional, please consult with them prior to pausing or limiting any of the below.

All of the below will have been discussed at the time of your pre-service consultation, however if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out for clarification.

One Week Pre-Appointment

During the entirety of the week prior to your appointment, you’ll want to refrain from consuming or using any products that contain the following ingredients:

    1. Anti-Aging (topical) Products
    2. Retinol
    3. Salicylic Acid
    4. Niacinamide
    5. Chemically Exfoliating Regimens
    6. Vitamin E Supplements
    7. Fish Oil Capsules

48 Hours Pre-Appointment

During the two days leading up to your appointment, you’ll want to generally limit anything that acts as a blood thinner. If you are currently taking a medically prescribed blood thinner, please let us know. This would include the following:

    1. Alcohol
    2. Aspirin

24 Hours Pre-Appointment

The day prior to your appointment, you’ll want to limit caffeine, alcohol and non-Tylenol pain relievers. This would include the following:

    1. Ibuprofen
    2. Aleve
    3. Caffeine (coffee, energy drinks, natural supplements)

Day of Appointment

The day of your appointment, you’ll want to maintain everything previously mentioned. For supplemental pain management, Tylenol is recommended, as this will not act as a blood thinner. Limiting of caffeine as previously mentioned will assist in relaxing your facial muscles in the areas in which you’ll be receiving your services.

Other Services

Please ensure that your permeant cosmetic professional has been made aware of any other services you may have recently received, such as Botox or filler. Some services, such as Botox or filler, may require that your appointment be pushed back.