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Service Consults

Part of our process is ensuring that you’re getting the most appropriate service for your desired result. That means that we give all clients an opportunity to have a service consultation prior to booking an appointment.

During this consult, we’ll discuss options, answer questions and prepare you for pre-care. Immediately following a service consultation, we’ll provide you with a link, allowing you to view upcoming availability for the service that we’ve settled on.

Common topics that are covered:


    1. Your desired outcome and appropriate options
    2. Style recommendations
    3. What to expect during the appointment, healing, aftercare and post-appointment follow-up

You have the option of choosing either an in-person or virtual consultation. When choosing a virtual consult utilizing our virtual appointment service, Chilled Butter – this is not a telephone call.  Upon booking your time, a calendar invite is sent to your provided email with a one-time link for use at the time of your consultation.